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Best Free Anti-Malware
Best Free Anti-Malware
Security designed with you in mind
We’ve crafted a unique and powerful suite of enhanced security designed specifically to protect every aspect of your digital life — securing your personal data, your browsing, and your peace of mind.

Malware can’t hide from us

Your macOS might stop some malware variants, but it can’t help you if you’re already infected. Our antivirus for Mac not only blocks viruses, spyware, Trojans, and other malware in real-time, it also scans your entire Mac for already-hidden threats.
Real-Time Protection
Runs silently in the background to block threats as they appear.
Total Malware Detection
Stops both Mac and Windows threats to prevent you from sharing infected files with your friends who use PCs.
Full Mac Scan
Run an in-depth scan of your entire Mac to root out hidden malware.
Removable Drive Scan
Scan any external drives (CD, DVD, USB, etc.) attached to your Mac.
Custom Scan
Select specific files or folders for faster, targeted scans.
Scheduled Scan
Schedule scans for when you’re sleeping or away from your Mac.
Security Reports
Stay informed with personalized security reports every 30 days.
Real-Time Security Updates
Receive security updates and new features automatically.

Browse and email all day. You’re protected

Even trusted websites can get hacked, and criminals can easily spoof emails from your friends or bank. Avast Security alerts you to unsafe websites, blocks unsafe downloads, stops dangerous email attachments, and prevents intrusive web tracking.
Web Shield
Blocks dangerous downloads, and prevents malicious websites from injecting malware onto your Mac.
Email Shield
Prevents you from sending and receiving malicious email attachments.
Online Security
Warns you of unsafe websites, blocks intrusive ad tracking, and safely redirects you to correct sites if you mistype an address (available as an optional browser extension).

Expose the weakest link in your Wi-Fi network

An unsecured Wi-Fi network is an open door to threats. Avast Security scans your entire network and all connected devices for vulnerabilities to help you stop hackers from stealing your personal data.
Avast Security
Avast Premium Security
Block viruses and other malware Detect viruses, ransomware, and other threats in real-time. |
Get browser security alerts Be warned of unsafe sites and block intrusive web trackers with the Avast Online Security extension. |
Stop ransomware Protect personal photos and files from unwanted changes and restrictions. |
Shop and bank more safely Avoid fake sites for safer shopping and banking. |
Get Wi-Fi network security alerts Be instantly alerted to network weaknesses and intruders. |
Stop phishing attempts Automatically avoid even the newest phishing scams and fake websites. |
System requirements
We’re not demanding. All you need is a Mac running macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or later with at least 750 MB of disk space.
An Internet connection is also required for automatic security updates.
Avast Security for Mac
30-day money-back guarantee