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The Kishan Group protects hotel staff and guests from web threats with Avast Business Secure Web Gateway


With a portfolio that includes 22 premier hotel franchise and hospitality brands, The Kishan Group is one of North America’s top performing lodging companies. According to Mike Marcum, Director of IT for The Kishan Group, “My team of five is responsible for security and IT support across all of our properties, from Anchorage to Miami. This includes our new Hotel Arya Coconut Grove in Miami, which has more desktops and servers than any of our other sites. Our company’s growth has kept us on our toes.”


“Our staff and hotel guests are on our network 24/7 and our top priority is managing web security and preventing users from clicking on malicious links and websites,” he explains. “With hotels in multiple states and time zones, we need continuous visibility across our network, strong web protection that prevents users from being fooled by phishing or spoofing, and the ability to manage security from any location at any time.”


After evaluating a range of cloud security solutions, Mike chose Avast Business Secure Web Gateway.

“Compared to almost anything else in IT, deploying Avast Business Secure Web Gateway was virtually flawless. It just works. Since we implemented it, we have not used any IT resources to repair or clean up any issues,” he says.

Secure Web Gateway, deployed from the Avast Business CloudCare security platform, has made a significant difference in the level of web security Mike can provide and how he manages it. “Through the custom configuration tools, I can allow certain employees more freedom depending on their business needs while restricting others. I can also better manage computer use by guests in our business centers,” he explains. “I can program custom alerts that pop up on my email and phone that let me see threats we’ve blocked as they happen, which helps me stay on top of security issues.”

Mike also purchased Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus, managed through the CloudCare platform. “We really like the CloudCare portal. I get the information I need in a platform that’s easy to use. The Antivirus Pro Plus has also been effective at catching what it should. This is a welcome change from other antivirus solutions I evaluated that resulted in higher incidences of malware getting through or triggered alerts for non issues.”

CloudCare provides free access to a remote IT control service, which according to Mike, has been invaluable. “We constantly rely on the remote control tool as we don’t always have available IT staff to come onsite. We can also better support our laptop users wherever they are working.”


After implementing Avast Business Secure Web Gateway at the company’s new Miami property and five other sites, Mike has gained comprehensive network protection that is easy to use, deploy, and manage.

“We have easily seen a 45% reduction in staff hours required to manage security. We’ve reduced web threats by 80% and eliminated the potential need to reimage workstations due to infections,” he shares. “We now have a turnkey network security solution that protects our staff and guests 24/7, reduces time required to manage security, and improves our customer service.”

Mike also estimates he has lowered his total cost of ownership by using a solution that enables him to cost-effectively keep pace with The Kishan Group’s fast growth without incurring additional costs.

“The combination of our IT staff using Secure Web Gateway and the CloudCare remote control tool to cover my laptop users when they’re not onsite – along with the competitive price point, has made this a winning network security solution for us.”



Virksomhetens behov

Protecting web traffic across a multi-property hotel network and blocking staff and guest access to malicious websites


Avast Business Secure Web Gateway


  • 45% reduction in IT staff hours to manage security issues
  • 80% reduction in the volume of malicious web threats
  • Lowered the total cost of ownership with a competitively priced, scalable cloud solution

Our hotel staff and guests are active on our network 24/7 and that requires the strongest web security. After deploying Avast Business Secure Web Gateway, I can now sleep at night knowing the gateway is there keeping our entire network secure.

The Kishan Group Case Study


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